Saw the best of South Dakota today: Sioux Falls, 400 miles of I-90, the ur-tourist trap at Wall Drug, the sudden rise of the Badlands from the plains, a decommissioned nuclear missile at the Minuteman National Historical Site, buffalo BBQ in Rapid City, and Mount Rushmore at night. Went for a swim in our hotel pool to relax, only to be told that it was closed to due child vomit ten minutes after we got in. I wondered why it was that color…
Category: Travel Page 36 of 63
Most of what I know of Milwaukee I learned from Alice Cooper in Wayne’s World. Turns out it’s actually a cool town. Stayed with some couch surfers Ruth met on her last midwestern tour. We went down to the waterfront to listen to a blues band and watch old white people dance, then to a german bar to play ridiculously dangerous bar games and drink too much. In all, a fine evening.