Back across the Drake Passage, we fought the wind and slightly larger waves. We returned to Argentina just in time to watch the World Cup finale and head out to celebrate.
Our expedition to Antarctica has come to an end. We covered over 2000 nautical miles, reaching 65 degrees south. The ship burned 3150 gallons of light crude oil, and the zodiacs used 211 gallons of E95 gas. The trip is carbon offset, but it’s still a good reminder that travel here is not neutral, and our impact on the world is not to be taken lightly.

We did get a good view of the Cape Horn as we approached. One of our fellow travelers told a great story about his great-grandfather passing there on his way to California for the Gold Rush in the 1890s. At least our trip was smoother than that.
As we entered the Beagle Channel again, our IT crew member was able to get a sufficient TV signal to broadcast the final game of the World Cup. We were wow-ed by Messi’s brilliance, and headed out on the town to celebrate in a pub at the end of the earth.
Our trip had a very talented videographer aboard, and she produced this 6min video of the voyage. Thanks Sarah and Lindblad!
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