Visiting a living museum and appreciating landscape art at the Listasafn.

We had to do one more road trip before leaving. We drove up over mountains, past the town of Bifrost and through Brattabreka Pass, to see the site of Leif Erikson’s family farm, Eiriksstadir. This is where the epic explorer was born, and left to go on to Greenland and become the first European to visit the North American continent at L’Anse Aux Meadows.

It probably wasn’t been fun living here in the 1000s, but the guide did an amazing job at showing off their ingenuity and adaptability through recreated artifacts. We sat inside with her for an hour as she told stories of hardship and survival, while we were comfortable in our down and wool. I think I prefer it now to back then.

Leif Erikson's Turf House
Eiriksstadir entrance

Then we headed back to Reykjavik, and got a final stop at the national art museum. The collection really shows off their landscapes, and it was a wonderful to end the trip and appreciate the beauty of the country. Takk Island!